Global Rail Construction Use innDex Company Wide
GRCL aspire to lead change, and together with the innDex team they are achieving this. As a business, processes and procedures are at the heart of its operations.
Ensuring compliance is crucial in delivering projects to meet with client expectations. The tools developed with innDex have taken existing processes and procedures from a paper based, manual based process to a real-time application at the fingertips of the whole GRCL workforce. innDex are bringing all of GRCL’s processes together in one platform, automating and digitalising to improve the company’s efficiency, productivity and enhanced health and safety management. innDex have established a solid relationship with GRCL; not only as a solution provider, but as an innovation partner.
Paperless, painless
GRCL teams have managed to reduce site paperwork by 80%, thanks to the digital document management and automation innDex brings. The induction process is more efficient, with all key information collected and stored safely and securely in line with CDM and GDPR. GRCL are able to transmit key information from site to offices and receive real time correspondence. They are able to better plan projects with live and up-to-date information about resources, from operatives to plant and machinery. Productivity is improved, as communication can take place on the go on each individuals phone or tablet. Various layers of access are provided so everyone involved in the project can buy into the product, including the client. Business decisions can be shared quickly and easily with those required. To aid with auditing and compliance, records of all correspondence are time/date stamped.
Meet the client team.

"The digitisation of our business has been possibly one of the single most difficult decision to make. It was difficult in the sense that we had to make a radical transformation from how we did things yesterday to how we need to do things today and tomorrow. With innDex, we are not only getting a software package to manage our company and site processes but are also getting an innovation partner. innDex are bringing all our processes together in one platform, automating and digitalising to improve our company’s efficiency, productivity and health and safety management requirements. Together, we are building out a platform with new and innovative features and functionality and are constantly on the lookout for new technology to improve how we operate."