Site Management

Savings and Streamlining, Siemens Show Significant Results

February 9, 2020

Siemens Mobility Limited has been awarded contracts to deliver new signalling infrastructure work within Wales, Devon and Cornwall by Transport for Wales and Network Rail respectively. This will cover the renewal and replacement of all lineside signalling equipment, with the control of the signalling being transferred to integrated control centres that will ensure the safe running of trains, improve infrastructure reliability and boost operational flexibility of the railway.

To help with some upcoming works, Siemens Mobility initially reached out to innDex as a SME local to Wales to implement a digital solution to improve their site access control and to have 24/7 availability without the need for an operative employed to occupy a desk. 

Solutions Implemented.

Access Control.

Siemens Mobility operatives can sign in (and out) before they undertake their Safe System of Work briefing within 50 metres of an access point. Also, because a photo of the access gate is required, the management at Siemens Mobility knows that the team is in the right place as planned.


Inductions allow more valuable information to be securely collected, and records such as health assessments and competencies (including expiry dates) to be easily accessible on the innDex platform.

Fatigue Management.

Make sure Working Hours Policies were not breached, with alerts being sent out automatically when an individual’s shift is about to finish. This is all in line with the new Fatigue Risk Management Systems by Network Rail (NR/L2/OHS/003).

Site Messaging.

Keep everyone on and off-site connected and informed at all times. Siemens Mobility distributes safety-related information to the workforce – keeping a register of individuals who have viewed and accepted their understanding.

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